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How Efficient is My smart Home?

Updated: Mar 27

In the midst of the rise of the cost of electricity and the need for sustainability, efficiency in the use of power and water is critical. Many homeowners are seriously considering making off-grid homes dependent on solar power. Smart homes enable people to save power, water and live sustainably. This article will explain how building a smart house will help you to reduce your power consumption.

Smart devices give reports about their power consumption. This information is then used to make critical decisions about power consumption in a home. Some smart devices would measure the amount of power used in the whole home and in an intelligent set up lead to identification of behaviors, time and points of poor use of electricity.

Smart systems allow for automations that can lead to saving power. The automations may include automatically shutting lines that exceed watts limit set per day or hour. They also include turning off lines that continue using power for a prolonged time when not in use. The ability to operate smart homes while not being physically present assists the home owners to manage their homes better and reduce power wastage.

The best off-grid home is the one that homeowners can check the amount of power they have on their batteries, watch the trend of power consumption, set automations meant to prevent draining of batteries, reserve the power for lighting and television and receive alerts about abnormal power usage in their homes. Smart homes in Kenya are capable of these automation.

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